My novel has been stalled for months. I avoid my silent writing sessions with fellow writers. I journal daily – it keeps me sane and will never be optional. But the novel stays silent.

Excerpt from Wisdom Of The Oracle guidebook

I join the Survivor Forest writing circle each time it is scheduled, this is a safe place for my words. This is a group of fellow survivors, the words we release into the air are sometimes joyful, sometimes painful, always the words are real and authentic.

I submitted a piece I wrote during the Survivor Forest writing circle to the Voices Heard magazine. It was scary to imagine my words reaching a different audience than my own tiny circle. It was also liberating. Brave. Exciting.

Once it was submitted and I learned that it would be included, the panic set it. Nobody wants to read that kind of writing! Maybe people will find me in real life, confront me about the things I don’t speak of – that I only write about. I make sure to publish with a pen name. If someone really wanted to know who I am behind my written words it’s really not that hard to find out. But I won’t make it too easy.

My writing was published this week in the magazine. As I look over the proof before it goes out, I realize that the link to this blog is included. I haven’t posted anything in so long! So here is a tiny post, just to prove I’m still here.

Maybe there will be more posts in the coming months. I feel like I am ready for another level of emotional healing and I am searching for ways to dive deep and find new meaning and purpose in my life. Stay tuned.