Piecing a Life Together is a Lifelong Work.

Especially when it is in tatters because of traumatizing experiences.

One of my survival strategies has been and continues to be journaling. Conversations with myself. A chance to examine what I really think, consider where those thoughts and beliefs originated, and make choices about what I want to believe now. A wise person once told me that I don’t have to believe everything I think.

Healing IS Possible

I always hoped that I could heal from my childhood. I didn’t always believe it, but I had hope. I didn’t know how it would happen so I kept an open mind and trusted that my intuition would let me know when the universe sent me something good. An excellent strategy that I highly recommend. I have experienced healing through DIY methods, coaching, counseling – the more “traditional” options. I have also experienced healing just by living. Partying. Working. Going to school. Curiosity and an open mind means healing is within reach no matter what I do or where I go.

I experienced different types of traumatic experiences throughout my life. Some were “big T” and some were “little T” traumas. They all have an impact, and I think we all experience some kind of trauma at some point. Those bigger traumas, especially the childhood ones, are really tough to overcome. But not impossible.

A few years ago I began learning to quilt. With each project I realized that I was discovering and learning things about myself just as much as I was discovering and learning about quilting techniques.

Quilting is a Great Metaphor for Life.

Quilting is the process of combining bits and pieces of fabulous and not-so-fabulous fabrics to make a layered cover. Embellishments of beads, crystals, threads, and other materials may be added. Perfectly good chunks of fabrics are sliced apart, and then rejoined in a more pleasing pattern. Patches may be added if there is an oopsie along the way. In the end, a quilt becomes something that is filled with love and hope which warms the recipient emotionally and physically.

The fabric of my life has been ripped, torn, and sliced apart in various ways. Each time I stitch the pieces back together. I add in a few patches here and there. I add fabulous fabrics that appeal to me. In the end, I have a life that is filled with love and hope.

This is my journey.